Quantitative Temporal Logics for Biological Systems
Alexandre Donze - Verimag Laboratory, Voreppe, France
07/12/2011, 3pm, GHC-7101
The Signal Temporal Logic (STL) is adapted to describe properties which constrain real-valued signals such as timed evolutions of quantities involved in a biological system. Recently, we extended STL with a quantitative (robust) interpretation which provides a numerical margin by which a simulation trace satisfies or violate a property. Moreover, we can estimate in some cases the sensitivity of this margin to a parameter change. By combining this information with different parameters exploration strategies, we get an efficient methodology to investigate which properties are satisfied by a model, how robustly these properties are satisfied and how to find parameters values which guarantees a robust satisfaction. I will describe this methodology and an illustration of its application on an enzymatic network involved in angiogenesis.
Alexandre Donzé is currently a post-doctoral faculty at the Verimag Laboratory in Grenoble, working under the supervision of Oded Maler. This is also where and with whom, in co-supervision with Thao Dang, I did my thesis. From oct. 2007 to oct. 2008, he was a post-doctoral faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, working with Edmund M. Clarke and Bruce H. Krogh. In June 2009 he also started a collaboration with the TIMC laboratory (laboratory of techniques for biomedical engineering and complexity management), in particular with Eric Fanchon and Philippe Tracqui.
The main goal of his research is to develop mathematical and computational tools for the analysis and the design of dynamical systems arising from different domains, in particular embedded systems (or software interacting with a physical environment), analog and mixed signal circuits and biological systems.