Verification of multi-agent systems PDF slides
Alessio Lomuscio, Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK
11/12/2010, 2:00 PM, GHC-6501
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are distributed autonomous systems in which the components, or agents, act autonomously or collectively in order to reach private or common goals. Logic-based specifications for MAS typically do not only involve their temporal evolution, but also otherintentional states, including their knowledge, intentions, their strategic abilities, etc. This talk will survey recent work carried out on model checking MAS. Specifically, serial and parallel algorithms for symbolic model checking for temporal-epistemic logic as well as bounded-modelchecking procedures will be discussed. MCMAS, an open-source model checker, used at Imperial College, will be briefly demonstrated. Applications of the methodology to the automatic verification of security protocols, web services, and fault-tolerance will be surveyed.Biography